Sunday, July 8, 2007

Overlord (I need more minions.)

As first primarily single player game I've played in a good while, "Overlord" has me quite impressed.

You play the role of newly resurrected evil Overlord, set to command and build up your legion of minions. These include a number of different classes, 2 of which I've accessed so far (Brown = Fighters, Red = Ranged and Fire-Immune)

Normally these types of games end up more of a challenge of navigation that tactics when trying to control such a group, but overlord has pulled it off well. A series of simple click commands allow you to send your troops to battle with you, or through puzzle type areas to activate switches (because of course no evil Overlord should do his own work)

Also, the other critical component to your evil marauding is your stronghold which starts off in ruins to be slowly upgraded with the addition of extra parts (thanks to some heavy lifting, of course again all done by minions). This allows you to unlock a Dungeon (used for fighting practice) a forge (used to make new Evil armor or just upgrade) which you can sacrifice your unused minions in to imbue your gear.

Graphics are very much like Fable IMHO, but due to my computer not really maintaining current standards I'm going to assume they could be a fair bit better with the settings maxed.

--More after I've played for a while--

My thoughts so far is that it is well worth the purchase and thats without even having looked into any multi-player action or what that brings.

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